Monday, March 06, 2006

Things you see in the park..

I have written before about the many amazing, strange and wonderful things you can see in Lumpini park. This weekend walking back to have a bowl of noodles on the way home I saw this poor guy who must have dehydrated running around the track..

This was setup for a green tea advert, but what was really funny was the genuine look of concern from the people walking past!

This weekend I went over to Thonburi to spend the evening with some friends at a resteraunt/bar. I do not often go out over the other side of the river but this place was really lively and we had a great evening- the jokes were mostly at my expense (being the only Falang guy there) but what I have always found with Thai people is that their sense of humour and fun are not really pointed at anyone inparticular but rather at whoever will cause the most laughs!


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