Back East to the West Coast
I had a late reprieve at 1:00am the night before I was intending to return to LA so the extra week in Thailand I spent getting a seemingly endless list of things done for myself and also at work. The new office we have moved into is beginning to take shape from the bareshell we started from and it really feels good to have our own place and the freedom that comes with it- I will upload some pics when the floor and ceiling are complete.
It was lovely to be back in my own bed and in the city I now call home for an additional week and last Saturday for the celebration of our company's one year anniversary we hired a wooden boat and cruised up and down the Chao Pyra river at night. Just before we meet at Taksin bridge to start the cruise a tremendous downpour passed over Bangkok and during the evening we had a spectacular lightning display to accompany us up and down the river. Everyone had a great night -even though I was roped in to help a friend of ours sing and play some guitar, the dangers of alcohol!

Now the week has passed and I find myself once again on the West coast, although this time I have decided to stay slightly further up towards LA near Seal Beach. I am hopeful this time that the hard deadline I have to be back in December will mean that all the work gets done so I don’t have to return too soon- this is not a slate on California as the place is beautiful and the people are nice but I seem only to be able to think about Christmas holiday now and diving into a sea warm enough not to need a wetsuit! Roll on Ko Chang that it what I say..
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