A tuktuk virgin no more

"I, in my excuse, had no frame of reference for the correct price to pay a toothless lunatic to drive us through the town on another mangled mix of transportation means (this time a milk float crossed with a moped dashed by a carnival float for colour and the smell of what might happen if you showered a very smelly man in Green curry). In the end, after bravely bargaining him down an impressive 20p, we were off. And again Bangkok gave us that feeling of high happy as we both for the first time flew through this crazed city, gripping on to anything we could hold onto as the milkped darted and danced around the fat columns of stuck cars and trucks.." - A.Talbot 07/05
I may publish some more of Andy's account if and when my lawyer succeeds in having him remove the slanderous claims he makes against me.. However, I must say that it was a pleasure to catch up after 3 years and also all my thanks and deep respects to my other friends who have been over in the last few months. I realise that for everyone coming over from Europe it is at no little expense and I appreciate your visits greatly, for everyone else yet to make it then I intend over the next few weeks to upload a few retrospective posts of my times here in Asia. I hope that in some small way they tempt you to book that flight and see where these midnight tuktuks can take you..
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